Show of Hands
MainStreet Truth or Consequences proudly announces Show of Hands, a business development project funded by a grant and by generous community donations.

Congratulations to the winners!
First place ($5,000): Tiffany Ferland of Mile Marker 7 Coffee, for her plan to add a second drive-thru window to increase efficiency and serve more customers, as well as alleviate the backup of traffic onto Main Avenue.
Runner-up ($2,350): Victoria Harrington of Rebel Roadrunner, for her plan to add a shoe section to her boutique, enabling community members to purchase shoes locally.
Pictured, L-R: Victoria Harrington (Rebel Roadrunner); Becca Eza (MainStreet T or C Executive Director); Linda DeMarino (MainStreet T or C Board President); Tiffany Ferland (Mile Marker 7 Coffee)
Photo credit: Dean Lamanna
Read about our finaliststs and donate to these amazing projects!
Want to learn more about each project?
Click on the link below each picture for the GoFundMe page to read details from the business owner.
You can also donate to help a specific project come to fruition.
This fundraising does not help determine the winner of the MainStreet T or C Show of Hands project. The winner will be determined solely based on a popular vote of the attendees at the October 10 event.
Your donation to the project on GoFundMe does go directly to the business proposing this project. However, if sufficient funds are not raised to begin this project (yet), the business owner may use the funds for another business-related purpose.
Truth or Consequences Contemporary
Rubi's Music & Smoothie Lounge

Mile Marker 7 Coffee

Rebel Roadrunner
More about this project....
What is it?
Show of Hands is a community-supported, grant-funded project presented by MainStreet Truth or Consequences. Its purpose is to help a business get started or to help an existing business expand. $5,000 in funding was awarded to the winning applicant, as ultimately selected by attendees at a public event.
How it works:
~ Prospective or existing business owners applied with their project idea.​
~ A judging panel evaluated the applications and selected the strongest four as finalists, based on a rubric provided in the application packet.
~ A New Mexico MainStreet consultant met one-on-one with the finalists to help prepare their presentations.
~ At a public event, held October 10, 2024, each finalist gave their "pitch". Audience members, who paid $5 admission, voted by secret ballot for their favorite project.
~ The winner and runner-up received money to fund their projects.
Find the full project details and the application here:
Questions? Email Becca at director@torcmainstreet.org​​​
Thank you to our sponsors!